ImagininGuatemala provides aid to impoverished children and families, many of them living on less than two U.S. dollars per day. Our goal is to help families find sustainable solutions to their difficult situations. To accomplish this, we have identified four main areas of support:

What we do

  • Shelter

  • Food and Water Security

  • Educational Resources

  • Health Services


With the help of service team volunteers, we build homes for families in need. Most often, they have been living in makeshift structures made with cornstalks or small pieces of wood, metal, or cardboard. Their fire for cooking is in the same room that they sleep in, and there are dirt floors. These factors make for insecure, unhealthy environments.


ImagininGuatemala builds simple, safe, sustainable homes for these families. The homes have cinderblock walls, cement and tile floors, an outdoor covered kitchen area (with stove), windows and doors that lock, a bathroom with shower and toilet, and electricity.


Food and Water Security

  • ImagininGuatemala provides monthly food staples and fresh vegetables to the people of Mano de León, an isolated village outside of Antigua.

  • Child sponsorships help provide food for the children and their families.

  • Water purifiers are provided with the homes we build.

  • ImagininGuatemala has installed water tanks in homes where running water is only available for a limited time (sometimes as little as 1 hour) per day. The tanks fill with water while there is running water so it can be used later. The tanks also purify the water.

Educational Resources and Health Services

Child sponsorships help children and their families by providing school supplies, uniforms, books, etc. and by making doctor and dentist appointments accessible.

We appreciate your interest in our work, and we encourage you to join us in our efforts by:

  • volunteering as part of a service team

  • sponsoring a child in need

  • donating to The Guatemala Project.